Release Notes - v1.13.23 - 17/02/2023 - HomeBuyer App


HomeBuyer App

A new version of the HomeBuyer mobile app is now available in the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. This update focuses on improvements to the Experian and Digidentity services for your home buyers.

All new downloads of the app will automatically be on the newest version. For any existing users of the app, they will need to update this from the App Store on their device.

Other changes include:

  • Added status cards for Verify Identity, Bank Statements and Credit History
  • Added validation and styling when entering Names and Street Addresses
  • Resolved various issues causing app crashes and verification failures.

Other Bug Fixes and Improvements

    • Various fixes to resolve performance and speed issues using Smartr365.
    • When transferring a Protection case, the new assigned Adviser and referred Adviser will display correctly.
    • Users can again drag and drop documents into the relevant document section, and it will prepopulate the ‘Purpose’ field based on where the document was dropped to.MicrosoftTeams-image__8_.png
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