Release Notes - 12/04/2024

In this release, our team has been working hard to improve the overall performance of the platform and fix various bugs. We have also introduced a new compliance improvement in Smartr365.

New Features

One of the key compliance improvements we have made is the introduction of a mandatory textbox for non-face-to-face advice. This textbox allows users to provide additional information that is required for compliance purposes. This field can be found within Mortgages.

Bug Fixes

In addition to the compliance improvement, we have also resolved several bugs in this release. These bug fixes include:

  • An issue where the NPW icon was not disappearing when switching cases
  • An error message appearing on the Document Store page after refreshing the Case Summary page
  • The removal of an error message that would sometimes appear when opening a case
  • An issue where Home Insurance and property ownership were mismatched and caused problems
  • An issue with Suitability Reports where the Inline Editable Text was not working
  • An issue where case notes were re-rendering

These bug fixes will help improve the overall stability and usability of the platform, ensuring a smoother experience for our users.


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