How to link your iPipeline account (Solution Builder)

To link your iPipeline account with your Smartr365 account, you will need your webID and password from iPipeline. These are in the format of webID = webxxxxx and password = word123word 

This article from iPipeline can help you if you need assitance locating this information -

Once you have these details, head over to your ‘My Credentials’ section within your ‘Settings’ on the left-hand side of your Smartr365 account.

Here you will find where you can enter your credentials across all of our integrations. Scroll down to where you see ‘Solution Builder’.

Enter your webID and password here, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save’.

Your two accounts will now be linked and you can use the Solution Builder integration within Smartr365. For more information on how to use the integration, click here.




When you launch Solution Builder for the first time from Smartr365, if you receive an error saying that you are not logged in, it is likely that your webID and password have not been entered correctly. Please double check you have entered the correct credentials via the My Credentials page.






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